With the leading ad channel in the mobile marketing group, Zalo Ads (Zalo Ads) become an indispensable channel in the advertising business. Not only does it help you reach more than 80 million Zalo users, Zalo Ads also bring you the brand and sales effectiveness.
Zalo is a social network of Vietnam should be integrated features familiar, simple and very suitable for the Vietnamese. As of September 2014, Zalo has more than 80 million users, giving you a great opportunity to reach your target audience and increase sales. We can consider the effect from Zalo Ads as follows:
For quality advertising: Zalo helps you optimize post-time and high image quality better than Facebook.
For quality ad exposure: Zalo has a higher reach rate than Facebook because 100% of friends in zalo will see the article every time you post a new article.
For quality target audience: Zalo attracts most of the 18 to 35 year olds who are the most shopping age
For future opportunities: Zalo has been expanding internationally, has appeared in 10 countries in Asia
In addition, ad campaigns are easily crafted. You can track, optimize your ads and budget at any time. Simple, direct, fast payment with support for a variety of domestic and international bank cards.
Introducing Zalo Advertising
Having your own advantages, Zalo has been the best advertising channel for you. That is the most basic reason that has attracted businesses to choose advertising channel.
Zalo is developed by VNG and is the most widely used mobile application in Vietnam as well as overseas Vietnamese. On the News Feed (Zalo diary), you always see the OA posts though you have not hit "interested". Why is it displayed and what is its purpose?
The display is thanks to the advertising service on Zalo. Depending on the purpose of promoting the product or increase the interest or increase the visit site they choose the form of advertising Zalo appropriate and optimal sales effectiveness.
Ad service from Zalo is quite fun, let's explore the benefits of the Zalo Ads form!
ADVERTISING WEBSITE ON ZALO (Advertisement on News Feed)
The ad appears on News Feed and Zalo's network to increase traffic to the company's website.
Website Ad On Zalo (News Feed Ad)
When the user clicks on the ad, it will lead them to view the Website or view the product details in the OA. Target ads by up to 5 locations: Sex, age, device, industry interest. With support buttons like Call - To - Action.
* Advertising fee based on each ad click.
ADVERTISING ON ZALO PRODUCTS (Advertisement Advertisement)
The ad appears on News Feed and Zalo's Network to promote the product from Shop owner.
Product Ads on Zalo (Affiliate Ads)
When users click on the ad, it will lead them to the product information page to view prices, shop information for their interest or share on the News Feed or send to friends and they can chat with the shop owner. Ask for "buy product" to be consulted purchase. Each chat generated by the ad (shop owner and customer interaction and chat together) will be counted as a contact on the ad campaign's report page.
* Advertising fees are based on the number of contacts rather than the first click like the one on the News Feed.
This form of advertising is suitable for real estate, study abroad, event, ... the industry needs data customers.
The ad is featured on Zalo's News Feed and Network system to increase the amount of interest, increase interactivity, and introduce the Zalo site of the business, store.
Zalo Official Ads (Increase Traffic)
The ad will appear "interested" rather than the usual ad will be the button: buy now, watch now, see more, ... When the user clicks on the ad, it will lead them to your page.
* Advertising fee based on each ad click.
Note: The prerequisite for this type of advertising is the Zalo page (Official Acount)
In addition, Zalo also offers the Message Message, the zalo sticker store, the Page Listing Service - Featured Page. However, these types are discontinued.
Here are five general steps for the Zalo Ads campaign
Step 1: Create the Official Acount (OA)
Step 2: Update information such as avatar, cover photo, store information, ...
Step 3: If you do not have a website, create a store on OA. There you will end up with product-service information.
Step 4: Design the banner and content for the ad
Step 5: Select the target audience and start advertising.
An important step for your advertising effectiveness is to identify the right target with the right target audience. Therefore, Zalo will have 5 target types:
Target by gender: Choose the gender Male or Female that you want to advertise Zalo
Target by age: Choose the age you want to advertise like age 18 to 35 or from 30 to 40, ...
Targer by location: Select the location where you would like to appear, such as HCM, Hanoi, Danang or the whole country. Zalo allows up to 5 locations
Target operating system: Zalo is a mobile application, where mobile phones are operated under different operating systems such as IOS, Android, Windows Phone. Depending on the target audience, you choose which ads appear on which operating system to optimize.
Target by group: Choose the group of careers that you care about such as: fashion, food, health, beauty, electronics, software, education ...
To achieve optimal advertising Zalo is not complicated but not simple. If you run Zalo Ads, you need time, costs a lot to learn and experience, and then from creative thinking to optimize ads. If you ask the advertising company, you will shorten the time and cost of advertising Zalo, in addition, you also learn the experience quickly from the advertiser. However, you need to choose a reputable advertiser to avoid the case of "burning money unfairly."
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